
Pinpoint Lifting Bags: Out and About

Dec 05, 2022

Over the past couple of months, the Pinpoint Team have made a concerted effort to get out and about, meeting with existing and new customers, and getting involved in local strategies. Here’s a little taster of what we’ve been doing. 

Welsh Construction Show – Liberty Stadium Swansea, October 2022

There are two shows each year, one in Cardiff and the other in Swansea. Jennifer La Grange, our Design Director, attended the Swansea show to do a bit of local networking. We anticipated that the Swansea event would consist mainly of Swansea companies, but Jennifer was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t just local companies involved! She met many interesting people from various companies based all over the UK.

EDF Renewables: Contractor Collaboration Day – Newcastle upon Tyne, November 2022

EDF Renewables were kind enough to invite us to this event held in Newcastle. We don’t often meet with our customers as so many of them are based on Offshore Wind Farms, so Jennifer and Kayte jumped at the chance to attend. We looked at this from a networking perspective and putting faces to names, as well as a learning opportunity. We hoped that meeting people actively involved on site would give us insight into some of the less obvious on-site challenges they face, and we were not disappointed. 

The day was packed full of useful workshops and gave both customers and suppliers a chance to collaborate on best practices, improve procedures and communication, and increase service levels.

EDF also had a guest speaker to help warm everyone up and keep us going throughout the day. Luke Staton is a motivational speaker and coach, something I know many people tend to scoff at, but we can assure you there is something different about this guy. We can’t fully explain why, but he captivates the audience and is very positive, yet keeps it real, all at the same time. Check out his LinkedIn page

Huge thanks to Jason Day and all at EDF Renewables for including us in this event, especially as we are such a small part of the supply chain. We’re really looking forward to working more closely together going forward! 

Busnes Cymru / Business Wales’ SMEs and the Road to Net Zero’ – Tiny Rebel, Cardiff, November 2022

Here at Pinpoint, we’re very good at recycling, waste management and being as energy efficient as possible, but we are aware that there is always more we can do. If you saw last month’s blog, you will be aware that we donate a lot of our waste plastic and fabric to local educational establishments, as well as businesses and individuals.

Caron and Jennifer attended this workshop and found it to be very informative. They arrived back at the office the following day and immediately began reviewing the notes they made and putting together the first draft of an action plan to reduce our carbon footprint. We communicated the smaller, easy changes to the staff later that day. We will work on the larger, more complex points over the coming months/years. There is a lot to think about, then goals to introduce and work towards. We are aware this is not an overnight change and that we will face challenges, but ultimately our small steps will lead to bigger gains on both an economic and environmental level! They both found it helpful to learn that several agencies, including Business Wales, are available to help along the way, offering guidance, advice and support on achieving our goals.

We look forward to 2023 and finding more opportunities to get out and about! We hope everyone has a peaceful and restful holiday season!